Monday, August 27, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Here's the tale in all its glory:
I walk in....."Hi, I'd like an asiago cheese bagel, toasted, with butter, and a cafe latte, please, and I have a coupon"
She grabs a french toast bagel, slices it, puts in in a bag, and gives it to me.
I say, "I'm sorry, I would like an ASIAGO cheese bagel, toasted with butter."
She says, Oh, i'm sorry, throws the other bagel away, grabs an asiago cheese bagel and puts it in a bag and hands it to me...
i say again...toasted with butter
she looks confused...then goes, oh and puts in on the toaster--not sliced....then burns herself reaching for it. Who knew not sliced wouldn't fit through the awesome super-duper toasting wheel? So, she takes it out to slice it, puts it back on the wheel of torture
she has my free coffee coupon in hand, rings up my total for 5.29....apparently i'm supposed to pay for the coffee and both bagels< muahahahah
i look at her confused
she then looks at the coupon and says, oh, 93 cents
I say thank you.
she takes the bagel, puts in in a bag, hands it to me...
i ask for butter
she said, yes, it has butter
I look in the bag
there's no butter
I ask for butter
she's like, "fine" gives me butter and says NEXT...
i look at her....
she's still lost
I ask for my latte
"OH, SORRY"....
she makes it
i asked for hot
she looks confused
then the other girl comes over and says, "can I help you"....
Thank goodness. Saved......This is the only person in the whole place with a brain I fear.
Lord, don't let Panera be the only place that survives when our world comes to an end....
Someone asked, "is english not her first language?"
Folks, she's definitely born and raised and fed by a tube here in the great state of mass. No offense to people that must be fed by a tube for medical reasons....this poor soul just can't find her mouth...and I'm quite positive her mom has stitched her head to her shoulders for fear of her losing it....
Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
So, you know how in cartoons and the Goonies if you step on a rake it flies up and hits the person in the face? That's funny right. Well, in the cartoons the rakes are always in the grass and the pointy parts are facing up so the foot catches it and it flips up and boom...ha ha a darkened room, while a flustered overtired person is searching for keys, and the other person is looking for the light switch, and the rake is resting against the wall, pointy side down so that no "accidents can occur", it is quite possible for one to step just right on the rake and have it fly up and hit a person in the, a fat lip is cool when you can make up a fun story about that bar fight or whatnot, but when you split your lip and your spittin blood and checking your teeth, well, that just sucks...and at 31 a bar fight ain't's my story...alas, it doesn't end I am, in the livingroom, fat lip, bloodied and battered, punching holes in the very cool and soon to be delivered save the 10 at night...WTF..."honey, it's the police"....You don't ever like the police showing up at your door at night for no reason...So.....i open the door...."Hi, we received 2 911 calls from here. Is everything all right?" "911...uh...what...." "Oh, that was me...I'm sorry....I accident hit the emergency button on the phone, calling 911...but I hung before it could call....." Seems the love of my life was calling her folks and hit the emergency button, hung up and hit the "1" to call her folks....and ignored the beep beep beep of call, there I am, bloody and swollen with a cop eying us suspiciously, two 911 calls be honest, I think he was eying Adrienne suspiciously.....
Pretty sure we're on the watch list now.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
This was sent to me by TRUE RED-BLOODED PATRIOTIC AMERICAN who understands FAMILY VALUES and is a neo-trad-democraniblican.....
Hey, I don’t really care who you’re voting for, but I want to start a web-phenomema to nominate “Baby Got Back” for Hilary Clinton’s “Campaign Song”…
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Someone recently (okay, just 4 minutes ago) asked me how the house hunting is going.....Let's see....we've seen mouse droppings, french doors that open out to a beautiful view (and a two story drop straight to the ground), an aquarium built into a wall, a prison door, a crumbling load-bearing wall, lots of jesus and mary statutes, a yard that was paved, a house that smelled like cat pee, Slick Rick the Seller's Realtor, a neon yellow kitchen (which also had two different sets of cabinets, and a washer and dryer in the kitchen, and they just ripped up the tiles), a master bedroom "loft", a "house" the size of 4 outhouses, a bathroom where god forbid you had to stand up quickly from a seated position you would hit your head on the ceiling and knock yourself out.....and a gorgeous place that was bought the exact instant we decided to make an offer....bout sums it up....
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
starbucks know, the ones with the crappy lid that almost
invites hot-near boiling liquids to escape from the open hole (not
like the dunkin cups which have a locking lid to prevent the
blistering boiling water from leaping on to your flesh--seriously, who
engineered this? Did they not think, hey, what happens when the stuff
inside sloshes around, does it act like a trampoline launching water
furiously about like a fat kid jumping in the bubble castle???? Sure,
Dunkin's says "caution: contents extremely hot" for the special
people that might burn their tongue, but starbucks makes no warning as
to the fact that you are holding a potentially explosive caustic
device)....I digress....where was I, oh I approached my
arch-nemesis, aka "Jiggle The Secret Knock", aka the door that doesn't
open unless you lift the handle twice and push at the exact instant, I
casually reached for the handle with my left hand...and felt the
sudden calming cool sensation in my right hand, which was quickly
followed by the stinging and burning of reddening skin as I realized
the ejecto-lid had propelled what can only be described as white
phosphorous-like green tea on to my skin, nearly melting my ring to my
fingers. At that exact moment, Jiggle The Secret Knock decided to go
into lock-down mode faster than a future nun on prom night. As I
crashed full bore into the door, shaking the door frame with 200
pounds of intense angry cauterized pain, the magnetic lock still
held....until the tea in my right hand tried to occupy the same space
as said door, resulting in a volcanic eruption of beverage which
catapulted itself into the precise location of a sophisticated
security mechanism whose soul purpose for existence is to prevent
unauthorized users from entering a secured facility. I mean, if
someone could get in to this room, the world might end. We're talking
top secret security. We have non-armed guards on oxygen that might
chase you down, or at the very least hit your car in the parking lot
because they forgot which pedal was the brake and were confused by the
bright light (or, as most of us call it, the SUN) and the loud noises
(driving with the door open). This is the most secured facility this
side of the straw house in the three little pigs the door
still shook from my impact, I watched the tea trickle down in slow
Jiggle the Secret Knock popped open....
At that moment, I uttered "I AM SOFA KING WE TODD DID".....
it's like going from rushhour traffic on 128 when there's 3 accidents, one involving a police officer, when you have to use the bathroom and get to a meeting with the IRS because you are getting canoeing on the charles on a nice summer day, when the light breeze is perfect, and it's not too hot.....
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
see previous post before all thought it was over...that the requests were wrong we all were.....
2 hours after last message
Could you bring my earrings?
If you look at the photo of me in the navy kimono (on my bedside table) you will see the earrings I am looking for.
I believe that they are in the Chinese Pagoda that is on the ladder bookshelf to the left of my bureau.
It has a matching necklace. They are together in a small plastic bag.
They are sort of delicate, just so you know.
I am not sure which drawer they are in... the top of the pagoda opens up...then there are 2 or 3 drawers that you can open once you have opened the small gate at the bottom of the pagoda.
If for some reason they are not there... check the pink jewelry box, then the blue jewelry box on my bureau.
Thanks! You are the best!
15 minutes later
I brought the wrong bra... can you grab the black lace one that has a criss-cross (x) holding it together in the front. It is in the top drawer of my bureau. If you can't find that one...grab the black satin one that dips low in the front.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
PS Don't kill yourself looking for anything except the navy dress, the earrings, the shoes and the bra.
Me: My life is over....
Friday, February 09, 2007
This is the relationship stuff everyone goes through but doesn't tell you about. This is a conversation over email between my fiance and I.....enjoy....i didn't put her name there in order to respect the not so innocent....
Kiefer, will you please announce it..
"This conversation takes place between the hours of 1 and 4 pm on Friday"
I was just thinking... would you bring the navy dress (the kimono one from the photos) and the silver strappy heals (on the back of my bedroom door, bottom right) for tonight?
ME: where is the navy dress?
That dress should be hanging on the back of my closet door. it is under several other hanging items... look at it, before you take it. I think that I dry cleaned it recently, but am not sure. If it doesn't look clean, let me know...if you are not sure, bring the black dress and my tuxedo jacket. too.
ME: Where's your tuxedo jacket? Not sure I've seen that. I'll double check your blue dress though... will the silver shoes go with the black dress too?
I brought the shoes for the black dress just in case. I think that the navy one is dressier though.
The Tuxedo Jacket is in the closet on the left hand side. You are going to kill me, but the top that goes under it is a black satin tube top that is in the armoire (1st or 2nd shelf on the right hand side) or on the chest under the window.
Are you ready to kill me yet? We could end up with a photo somewhere you know. ;0)
ME: i'm just picturing the 4 bags i'm bringing with me on the T....
No bags.. ;0)
Hopefully just the navy dress on a hanger and 1 pair of silver shoes...I only need the other stuff if you think that the navy one is not clean. I am pretty sure that it is... Hope it still fits! :0)
---82 minutes pass--
I almost forgot to ask....can you please bing the leopard bag with my nail polish?
leopard bag
It is under the sink in the back bathroom on the left hand side.
You can take out the files if that makes it easier to close.
Additional nail care
There is also a baggie with some more nail stuff (1 red polish, 1 clear and 1 fast dring top coat and the cuticle cutter) in my room.
It is either on my bureau or on top of my black overnight bag in front of the long mirror.
I have to touch up my toes before we go.
ME:: hmmmm....can you send an email with a list of EVERYTHING you need so I can print it out and get everything at you place?
Take a look at the navy dress... if it is not stained..I just need it and a the silver shoes. Call me if it is stained and we can go from there.
ME: no worries...i just stabbed myself in the eyes with hot pokers....i wouldn't be able to read it anyways.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
That's right...the day after the day after new YEARS eve....after being away from my office for 10 days, ten WONDERFUL, GLORIOUS, FANTASTIC, INCREDIBLE days fill with family and friends and the things I love, I decided, based on the need for healthcare and income, to return to work. I woke up to the sweet sounds of a staticy clock radio--seems the last time I used the alarm clock was just before I dusted--having hit the dial which resulted in the sweetly sounding crackleshshshshcrackleshshshhsh
I stumbled down stairs.
I forgot to make coffee. UGH. I start the coffee process. Fill the pot. empty the pot into the coffee maker. Put the coffee in the grinder. Grind the coffee. Scoop the coffee into the coffee maker. SON OF A......reread what I just wrote, starting with Fill the pot. Yes. I forgot the filter!!! Empty the coffee out. Clean the coffee holder. Put the filter in the coffee holder. Add coffee, hit the start button. Hop in the shower. get out of the shower. Shave. Go get a cup of...SON OF A...i hit timed brew, not brew now....figures. I hit brew.....go upstairs, get dressed....the door is playing nice now, thankfully. I go down stairs. I pour a swwweeeeet cup of coffee. Sweet....Glorious....Mud...
I find my blood pressure rising the closer i get to my office. This isn't healthy. I get to my desk. I can't remember my password. 10 times...locked out....I call the help desk, remembering my password as I make my way through press 3 for more options, press 4 for more options, press 3825 to speak to an operator (look at the letters on you can guess what 4 letter word I spelled out).....I tell them I forgot my password, but I remember it now, and I need them to unlock my account. She says, "we can reset your password for you." I said, "i know my password...i mean, I couldn't then, but I remember it now, i just need them to unlock it." She resets my password for me.....3825 3825 3825.......i go through the pleasurable process of redoing my password, (no words more than 3 letters, must contain alpha-numeric in the first 4 characters, no repetition or letter number substitution, must be 13 characters long and not repeat any patterns in the previous 7 passwords.....). Password successfully set. I couldn't remember what it accepted.....rinse wash repeat the entire paragraph.
I finally log in. I go to refill my coffee. I pour a tall cup from my thermos (saving money this year to pay for all those things that keep popping up all the freakin' time). I close the thermos. I pick up the cover for my cup. I reach for my coffee. I wear my coffee....3825 3825 3825.'s like i never left. There's something comforting the familiar...isn't there?