Thursday, September 28, 2006

Another crazy commute managed to set the tone today. I awoke up to two alarms....i hate two alarms. Especially when you snooze the first one, and then the second "you really gotta get up" alarm goes off 2 minutes after the first is snoozed. That's just bad timing. If anything, i need to set them so that the "you really gotta get up" occurs two...maybe three...snoozes. And why do snoozes have to be 7 or 9 minutes? Why not, oh, i dunno, say 10? Is this part of the cursed american tradition of setting arbitrary measurements? Like, say, we'll make this unit of measurement be 12 inches in a foot, then three feet in a yard. How many yards in a hectare? And to make matters's cold now.....or at least getting colder. Makes it much harder to leave the comfort of a warm bed, and the comfort of my girlfriend (which is already hard enough to do as it is), to make the trek down to the shower. Oh, and looky here, the alarm JUST went off again from the first snooze of the SECOND clock...>ARGH<

1 comment:

Ms. Zuba said...

Love the new blog! I hit the snooze at 5am...and lie in bed until 5:30 most mornings...