Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jobs are all the same...every job has some level of annoyance, or BS if you prefer. BS can be work load, the people around you, or a combination of both. The ideal job is one that balances BS with $$. You can't have a BS free job and make a ton of money, that's just not realistic. But you can have a job that is filled with BS that pays you squat. You will not like this job. It will annoy you and eat at you until you decide to change. Typically, this will result in a job that has even more BS but pays more $$. This will satisfy you for a little while because you feel better about making more money. Then this too will eat at you. When you find a job that you can tolerate the BS and are happy with the $$, you should yell no wammies and STOP!

1 comment:

Ms. Zuba said...

LOL...great post babe!!! I have a job where I get to BS ALL day long and make enough money to get by. Thow in a few imo teenagers, Lucky me!