Tuesday, October 10, 2006

How you know you're having a bad day...First, you wake up at your girlfriend's house to her two alarms. Second, you shower, start to get dressed, only to realize you have no boxers to wear at her place because she's been going non-stop for almost a week and a half and hasn't been home to do laundry and your gym bag is at work with a clean pair in it so you have to go commando. Yes, I am sitting here commando. I feel like Joey on friends. Then....you decide to leave early because yesterday was a holiday and traffic is always worse after a holiday, so you skip breakfast, head down to the car and find a parking ticket because you parked overnight on without a pass EVEN THOUGH IT WAS A HOLIDAY. $30 to that f'n'sh'tay town. Of course, her roommate parked next to you because you said, "it's free, it's a holiday." So, let's us add a little guilt to the whole mix. Finally, miserably, you get on the road. Yup, traffic is bad. You have to swerve into the breakdown lane because someone tried to occupy the exact space you held. Then, as you try and settle your nerves, you go to take a sip of coffee, only to realize the lid was open and it sloshed when you swerved, so the coffee is all over your cup holder and has now dripped on to your jeans, and when you tried to honk you hit the radio button and it's now playing The Cure because really you couldn't be any more depressed. At least the coffee wasn't hot.......god I wish the coffee was hot.

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