Tuesday, October 10, 2006

yeah, that's right....i'm having one of those days...a double post day. My friend Julie, a lovely woman with a beautiful soul, is about to start a new job. She'll be working with pre-schoolers doing some speech stuff--I of course could use some help in that department myself. Anyways, she's been working with "troubled" kids for the past few years--and by troubled I mean kids that have threatened to kill her and do mean horrible things. Most are on the fast path to the state school for psychopaths. Good stuff...anyways, as I was on a roll this morning...i figured...why stop.....

Pre-schoolers will be fun, and it's speech, which is even better! That's awesome....plus, pre-schoolers won't threaten to kill you. Remember...say no to paste....it's addicting. It's like crack for 4 year olds. You know it's bad for you, but once you start you can't stop. Sure, other teachers will try to talk you off it, help you quit switching to elmer's glue (paste's version of methadone), but it won't be the same....then the 5 year old pusherman comes up to you...yeah, he's going to kindahgahden soon....He'll offer you a taste...just to get you through the rough spot...next thing you know your huffin' scented markers, lookin' for your next fix. If you don't pay up he and his cronies will start fingerpainting your car, crushing your macaroni necklace, and stealing your lunchbox.

1 comment:

Ms. Zuba said...

Ahhhh.....I know what you mean. First period and my coffee is gone. Finit. I was late to school this morning. I missed a steering committee meeting. Lauren's sick. I have crappy divorce meeting after schhol. Ain't life grand??? However...with all of that, the sun is shining, the weekend rocked, and I have an adorable two year old little girl.