Friday, February 09, 2007

This is the relationship stuff everyone goes through but doesn't tell you about. This is a conversation over email between my fiance and I.....enjoy....i didn't put her name there in order to respect the not so innocent....

Kiefer, will you please announce it..

"This conversation takes place between the hours of 1 and 4 pm on Friday"


I was just thinking... would you bring the navy dress (the kimono one from the photos) and the silver strappy heals (on the back of my bedroom door, bottom right) for tonight?



ME: where is the navy dress?


That dress should be hanging on the back of my closet door. it is under several other hanging items... look at it, before you take it. I think that I dry cleaned it recently, but am not sure. If it doesn't look clean, let me know...if you are not sure, bring the black dress and my tuxedo jacket. too.


What time are you planning to go to my house?


ME: Where's your tuxedo jacket? Not sure I've seen that. I'll double check your blue dress though... will the silver shoes go with the black dress too?


I brought the shoes for the black dress just in case. I think that the navy one is dressier though.

The Tuxedo Jacket is in the closet on the left hand side. You are going to kill me, but the top that goes under it is a black satin tube top that is in the armoire (1st or 2nd shelf on the right hand side) or on the chest under the window.

Are you ready to kill me yet? We could end up with a photo somewhere you know. ;0)


ME: i'm just picturing the 4 bags i'm bringing with me on the T....


No bags.. ;0)

Hopefully just the navy dress on a hanger and 1 pair of silver shoes...I only need the other stuff if you think that the navy one is not clean. I am pretty sure that it is... Hope it still fits! :0)

I won't go upstairs until 5:30 pm...feel free to call me if you are home before then.


---82 minutes pass--

I almost forgot to ask....can you please bing the leopard bag with my nail polish?

leopard bag

It is under the sink in the back bathroom on the left hand side.

You can take out the files if that makes it easier to close.

Additional nail care

There is also a baggie with some more nail stuff (1 red polish, 1 clear and 1 fast dring top coat and the cuticle cutter) in my room.

It is either on my bureau or on top of my black overnight bag in front of the long mirror.

I have to touch up my toes before we go.



ME:: hmmmm....can you send an email with a list of EVERYTHING you need so I can print it out and get everything at you place?


I deleted it all...

Take a look at the navy dress... if it is not stained..I just need it and a the silver shoes. Call me if it is stained and we can go from there.



ME: no worries...i just stabbed myself in the eyes with hot pokers....i wouldn't be able to read it anyways.


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